The Car 24 sas GIAQUINTO JOHN. (Lessor) rents to the customer (the customer) the vehicle indicated on the RENTAL AGREEMENT to the covenants and conditions therein and those below and shown in the back:
A) EQUIPMENT– The vehicle is delivered with odometer sealed, normal tools, a spare wheel, car stereo, registration certificate in original. The vehicle can be equipped with the detection system satellite location.
B) DELIVERY AND RETURN OF THE VEHICLE – rental starts on the day and time of delivery of the vehicle to the customer and ends on the day and time of the return of the vehicle to the Renter .The vehicle is delivered in perfect condition and must be returned in the same condition it was delivered except for normal wear and tear at the offices of the Tenant the day and time indicated in this letter of hire. Should the Customer decide to modify the terms of repayment (date, place, time, etc.) He will have to obtain the prior written consent of Lessee on request at least three days before the scheduled date of return of the vehicle. When returning in place other than that stated in output (usually the rental center of Bracciano) and without prior authorization, the customer is charged a penalty of € 15.00 for each kilometer away from the place of exit.
C) DEPOSIT – The deposit is required. In the event that at the time of returning the vehicle damage is found at the same, said deposit will be retained by the Tenant in account of the damage suffered, preserved the refundability of further damage. Otherwise, it will be offset, in whole or in part, with the sums due to the Renter in consideration for the rental under Item 1) of paragraph h.
D) VEHICLE MAINTENANCE The customer agrees to properly use and to carry out maintenance operations prescribed by the manufacturer of the vehicle and will respond to any damage caused to the vehicle. The customer is required to regularly check the levels of engine oil, coolant and brake fluid anyway after every 500 km. Journey.
The cost of treatment, cleaning and repairs of the tires are charged to the customer. The engine oil, the ‘greasing, and any minor repairs due and normal wear and tear will be reimbursed only on presentation of paid invoices regular (indicating the date, name and address of the supplier, the license plate of the vehicle and the miles of this route) to the letterhead ” car snc Cibelli Anna Pia and C. “- Via Falisca, 14-01033 Civita Castellana – VAT 08399581001- and anyway upon presentation of any parts replaced. In case of breakdown the customer service will contact the Assistance for towing free provided by the insurance policy of the vehicle itself. For the replacement of the vehicle the customer must get to the center of the vehicle rental output unless otherwise agreed by phone with the Lessee. The costs incurred (travel, hotel, etc.) To reach the rental center or to continue the journey itself will be redeemable for a maximum amount of € 100, upon presentation of receipts. In any case, for any other type of occurrence, reimbursement and / or compensation will never exceed the total value of the rental.
E) USE OF VEHICLE – The vehicle can be driven solely by the customer, or, if the second driver indicated on RENTAL AGREEMENT, provided they have as the customer of a valid license that authorizes a person to drive the vehicle. The vehicle must not be driven by different people unless prior written consent of the Tenant. The vehicle also will not be conducted by people in a drunken state, unconsciousness, or under the influence of alcohol or drugs or other substances, and any others who are in physical conditions in accord with the rules of the road. The vehicle will be used in accordance with the principle of good family and will not be used for the illegal transport of goods (contraband, weapons, narcotics, dangerous goods, etc.), the transport of passengers for reward expressly or tacitly agreed, fine illegal (speed competitions or tests path or races of any kind). Is absolutely forbidden to go to the customer with the vehicle all’ foreign (except as authorized in writing by Tenant).
1) The vehicle is insured for third party liability and damage to animals and property within the limits imposed by the law and regulations in force in the country where the car is registered and in any case within the limits specified in the insurance policy of the vehicle.
COLLISION: the customer is responsible for the value of the vehicle (quote QUATTRORUOTE) and / or the damage it caused. In cases of accident without counterpart, the responsibility for the damage caused is the sole responsibility of the customer and / or driver. The customer will be in any case responsible for the damages caused to the vehicle for improper use resulting from wear disproportionate to miles driven during the rental or for any other use in violation of laws or regulations.
THEFT: The customer is responsible for the value of the vehicle (quote quattroruote) in case of theft and / or partial or total fire. Customer and / or the driver remains fully responsible for the compensation of the cost of the vehicle in the event of failure to return the keys.
The conditions of the insurance policy are available for inspection at the registered office of the Lessee.
The customer is not guaranteed as a cover, as is specified below: For damages arising dall’immobilizzo vehicle to accomplish repairs to carelessness of the Customer;
For costs incurred for the transport of the vehicle by the tow truck for the return of the vehicle;
For damages that hit objects and baggage carried in the vehicle; For damage caused in any way to the roof, interior, underbody, chassis, wheels of the vehicle and collisions without any payment.
G) ACCIDENTS, DAMAGE AND CLAIMS: the customer is required to give the tenant notice of the claim by telephone and in writing within 24 hours from the left using the form of amicable CID special will find that among the documents supplied to the vehicle, including making perform the findings of the competent authorities.
H) The Customer undertakes to pay the Tenant:
The consideration for the rental calculated at the rate of mileage and time rate.
The additional fee payable in the event that the vehicle is returned to the Tenant in a place other than that of delivery to the customer, calculated according to the appropriate rate.
The cost of fuel needed to bring the level of the tank to that in which the vehicle was rented and for the relevant service.
Any port charges and / or airport.
The amount of the fines paid to the customer and / or to the Renter for violating the rules of the road or highway tolls in relation to the use of the vehicle by the customer and consequently to accept the charging of fines notified after the end of the contract .
The reimbursement of all expenses and charges incurred by the Lessee for payment by the Customer of the amounts owed by the same.
The amount of any other service that the Customer has used.
In the event that the customer uses a credit card, the aforementioned charges will be made to your account in the manner prescribed by the issuer of the card itself. The customer that to ‘make a note of the car hire on behalf of another person (natural or legal) is still jointly liable with the person to pay any amounts arising from the same car in case of total or partial insolvency of the issuer.
The fee bills above are payable on demand. In case of late payment, of all amounts due to the Lessee shall bear interest at the official discount rate increased by 4 percentage points and within the maximum extent permitted by law no. 108/96 unless different and more favorable provisions.
I ) LIABILITY – without prejudice to the responsibility of the vehicle manufacturer for construction defects, the Lessee will use the ordinary care to rent the vehicle in conditions of full efficiency.
In no case, however, the Lessee will be liable for damages resulting from mechanical failures during the rental.
L) PROHIBITION OF SALE: The Customer undertakes not to transfer, sell, mortgage and / or pledge the vehicle, tools, equipment and any other part, and in any case not to act contrary to the right to property on the use of the vehicle the Lessee.
M) The Lessee reserves the right not to provide a replacement vehicle in case of accident, theft, damage or for any other reason at its sole discretion, without having to justify such refusal.
N) JURISDICTION – for any dispute arising and / or in connection with the rental of the vehicle, in particular for any action necessary to coercive recovery of the credit gained by Tenant, will be exclusive jurisdiction of the registered office of the Tenant or other jurisdiction deemed acceptable by quest ‘Finally, with the exception of’ alternative in Article. 1469 bis of the CC
O) LOSS – The Lessee shall in no event be liable for the loss of items that the customer or third parties may have left or loaded on the car during the rental period or after the return of the vehicle, except in case of fraud or gross negligence .
P) INTERPRETATION – In case of conflict in ‘interpretation of the two versions (Italian – English) of the RENTAL AGREEMENT, the Italian version will prevail over the English.
Q) CHANGES – any change and / or addition to the rental terms and conditions set forth herein shall be effective only if made in writing.
R) The customer, with the signing of this, they are willing to rent the car indicated, the price and the conditions reported in both CONDITIONS than in CONTRACT with particular reference to those insurance.
S) DECLARATION OF LIABILITY – The customer or the driver say they are well aware that in Failure to return the vehicle in the contractual terms, in the absence of any valid reason impediment (Force majeure) an offense of embezzlement or, in more serious cases, the contractual fraud.